I buy field peas in bulk in the summer. Ladys, creamers, zippers, whippoorwill, crowders, purple hulls, you name it. Farmers market Saturdays for me are about canning and putting up, followed by a Southern supper of field peas, corn and tomatoes. So I am always looking for creative ways to prepare them. This is my new favorite. It’s clean and … [Read more...] about Fresh Herb Field Peas
purple hull peas
Pickled Field Peas
Field peas are one of my favorite things about summer. I freeze them in little baggies to pull out at the height of the winter blahs to remind me of the warmer months. I always seem to remember them as warmer months, not miserable, stifling hot and humid. On Saturdays, when I am cooking and putting by my farmers market purchases, I put them on to cook with some piece of pork, … [Read more...] about Pickled Field Peas
Purple Hull Salad With Bacon Vinaigrette
Field peas are one of my favorite summer time treats. Though I spend enough time in summer portioning little bags and stashing them in the freezer that I can enjoy them all year round now. And I’ll be honest; I don’t veer too much off my standard method of cooking them. Peas, water, a piece of pork of some variety, maybe onion or garlic and hot sauce. When the farmers … [Read more...] about Purple Hull Salad With Bacon Vinaigrette